

Sense of taste bias

I am not a scientist of human gustatory system. I just want feedback about my thoughts.

Please give me feedback. Please tell me typos and unclear sentences.

Open an issue at github or write me: guettli.tastebias@thomas-guettler.de

About taste in general (from Wikipedia)

Taste in the gustatory system allows humans to distinguish between safe and harmful food, and to gauge foods’ nutritional value.

The sensation of taste includes five established basic tastes: sweetness, sourness, saltiness, bitterness, and umami

I think there is a major bug in our gustatory system.

We can't really taste proteins.

From Wikipedia:

People taste umami through taste receptors that typically respond to glutamates, which are widely present in meat broths and fermented products and commonly added to some foods in the form of monosodium glutamate (MSG) and others.

We add salt and other flavor enhancers to our pasta to fool ourselves.

It tastes better but the content is still the same.

It is like buying a fancy racecar, but the racecar's engine has the power of a moped. It looks strong, but in truth it is weak.

We fool our self daily.

The next bias is how the food looks.

A light-brown lentil soup looks boring.

Fast food looks nice.

Humans have a multitude of sensors. Sight (vision, visual sense), hearing (audition, auditory sense), taste (gustation, gustatory sense), smell (olfaction, olfactory sense), and touch (somatosensation, somatosensory sense) are the five traditionally recognized senses.

Two of our senses tend to prefer food which does not give us what we really need.


For me a good example is tofu.

Tofu does not taste. It does not taste good and it does not taste bad. It just does not taste at all - like air.

But it contains a lot of good stuff.

Our gustatory system is very broken.


There is a list of biases at Wikipedia.

Up to now the taste bias is not part of this list:



Why is the taste bias not in this list?