


What is Learned in Deep Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo? (ECCV 2020) <br> Guanying Chen, Michael Waechter, Boxin Shi, Kwan-Yee K. Wong, Yasuyuki Matsushita <br>

This paper targets at discovering what a deep uncalibrated photometric stereo (UPS) network learns to resolve the problem's inherent ambiguity, and introduce a guided cailbration network (GCNet) based on our analysis.


We provide:

Table of Contents


GCNet is implemented in PyTorch and tested with Ubuntu (14.04 and 16.04) and Centos 7.

You are highly recommended to use Anaconda and create a new environment to run this code. The following is an example procedure to install the dependencies.

# Create a new python3.7 environment named ups-py37
conda create -n ups-py37 python=3.7

# Activate the created environment
source activate ups-py37

pip install -r requirements.txt

# Download this code
git clone https://github.com/guanyingc/UPS-GCNet.git
cd UPS-GCNet


Download the trained models

bash scripts/download_pretrained_models.sh
# Pretrained models can be found in data/models_ECCV2020/

The trained models can also be downloaded in BaiduYun (models_release/).

Test GCNet on the DiLiGenT main dataset

<p align="center"> <img src='images/diligent.jpg' width="800"> </p>

This dataset can be downloaded in https://sites.google.com/site/photometricstereodata/single.

# Prepare the DiLiGenT main dataset
bash scripts/prepare_diligent_dataset.sh

# Estimate light directions and intensities using GCNet_model. --benchmark indicates the testing dataset, --bm_dir indicates the data directory.
python run_model.py --gpu_ids 0 --model GCNet_model --GCNet_name GCNet --GCNet_checkp data/models_ECCV2020/GCNet.pth \
    --benchmark ups_DiLiGenT_dataset --bm_dir data/datasets/DiLiGenT/pmsData_crop

# Estimate lightings and surface normals using GCNet_N_model. --Normal_Net_name indicates the name of the calibrated normal estimation network. 
# We use the pretrained PS-FCN for normal estimation
python run_model.py --gpu_ids 0 --model GCNet_N_model --GCNet_name GCNet --GCNet_checkp data/models_ECCV2020/GCNet.pth \ 
    --Normal_Net_name PS_FCN --Normal_Net_checkp data/models_ECCV2020/PS-FCN_B_S_32.pth \
    --benchmark ups_DiLiGenT_dataset --bm_dir data/datasets/DiLiGenT/pmsData_crop
# Results can be found in data/models_ECCV2020/

Test GCNet on Light Stage Data Gallery

<p align="center"> <img src='images/lightstage_data.jpg' width="600"> </p>

This dataset can be downloaded in https://vgl.ict.usc.edudata/LightStage/. For easier testing, we have downloaded and converted this dataset to numpy arrays. As we used 133 images for each object, the dimension of numpy array for each object is HxWx(133x3). The processed numpy array can be download in BaiduYun (LightStage_Numpy_Data.tgz). You can get access to individual image from the numpy array by the following code snippet.

import numpy as np
img_array = np.load(array_name)
imgs = np.split(img_array, img_array.shape[2]//3, 2) # you will get a list of image of shape [H, W, 3]

Please download, unzip (e.g., tar -zxvf LightStage_Numpy_Data.tgz), and place this dataset in data/datasets/.

# Estimate light directions and intensities. Note that it requires sometime to load the data from hard disk.
python run_model.py --gpu_ids 0 --model GCNet_model --GCNet_name GCNet --GCNet_checkp data/models_ECCV2020/GCNet.pth \
    --benchmark ups_LightStage_dataset --bm_dir data/datasets/LightStage_Numpy_Data/

# You can also estimate the normals with PS-FCN using GCNet_N_model as follows. However, the following command requires more than 13 GB to run as the image size in this dataset is large.
python run_model.py --gpu_ids 0 --model GCNet_N_model --GCNet_name GCNet --GCNet_checkp data/models_ECCV2020/GCNet.pth --Normal_Net_name PS_FCN --Normal_Net_checkp data/models_ECCV2020/PS-FCN_B_S_32.pth \
    --benchmark ups_LightStage_dataset --bm_dir data/datasets/LightStage_Numpy_Data/

Test GCNet on Gourd&Apple dataset

<p align="center"> <img src='images/gourd_apple/apple.jpg' height="100"> <img src='images/gourd_apple/gourd1.jpg' height="100"> <img src='images/gourd_apple/gourd2.jpg' height="100"> </p>

This dataset can be downloaded in http://vision.ucsd.edu/~nalldrin/research/. Similarly, we converted this dataset to numpy array for eaiser testing. The processed numpy array can be download in BaiduYun (Gourd_Apple_Numpy_Data.tgz). The python script for data conversion can be found in scripts/convert_gourd_apple_to_numpy.py. Please download, unzip, and place this dataset in data/datasets/.

python run_model.py --gpu_ids 0 --model GCNet_model --GCNet_name GCNet --GCNet_checkp data/models_ECCV2020/GCNet.pth \
    --benchmark ups_GourdApple_dataset --bm_dir data/datasets/Gourd_Apple_Numpy_Data/

Test GCNet on Harvard photometric stereo dataset

<p align="center"> <img src='images/Harvard/cat.jpg' height="90"> <img src='images/Harvard/frog.jpg' height="90"> <img src='images/Harvard/hippo.jpg' height="90"> <img src='images/Harvard/lizard.jpg' height="90"> <img src='images/Harvard/pig.jpg' height="90"> <img src='images/Harvard/scholar.jpg' height="90"> <img src='images/Harvard/turtle.jpg' height="90"> </p>

This dataset can be downloaded in http://vision.seas.harvard.edu/qsfs/Data.html.

bash scripts/prepare_harvard_dataset.sh # Prepare dataset

python run_model.py --gpu_ids 0 --model GCNet_model --GCNet_name GCNet --GCNet_checkp data/models_ECCV2020/GCNet.pth \
    --benchmark ups_Harvard_dataset --bm_dir data/datasets/Harvard/PSData

Test GCNet on synthetic data

We provide the rendered synthetic Dragon and Armadillo for testing. This dataset was rendered with 100 MERL BRDFs under 100 light directions using mitsuba. We saved the rendered synthetic dataset in 16 bit EXR file (we have also saved the 8 bit PNG images). Library OpenEXR is required to load the data. This dataste can be downloaded in BaiduYun (PS_Synth_MERL_Test_ECCV2020.tgz).

sudo apt-get install libopenexr-dev # For Ubuntu
pip install OpenEXR 

Test GCNet on Dragon rendered under 82 light directions used in the paper.

python run_model.py --gpu_ids 0 --model GCNet_model --GCNet_name GCNet --GCNet_checkp data/models_ECCV2020/GCNet.pth \
    --benchmark ups_synth_test_dataset --bm_dir data/datasets/PS_Synth_MERL_Test_ECCV2020/ --syn_obj dragon --light_index light_82_idx.txt

Test GCNet on Armadillo rendered under different lighting distributions as in Table 5 of the paper.

python run_model.py --gpu_ids 0 --model GCNet_model --GCNet_name GCNet --GCNet_checkp data/models_ECCV2020/GCNet.pth \
    --benchmark ups_synth_test_dataset --bm_dir data/datasets/PS_Synth_MERL_Test_ECCV2020/ --syn_obj armadillo \
    --light_index light_uniform_idx.txt 
# --light_index can be set as light_narrow_idx.txt or light_up_idx.txt.

Test LCNet on the above datasets

The above testing commands can be adapted for testing LCNet as follows. Please specify --benchmark and --bm_dir to test on different datasets.

python run_model.py --gpu_ids 0 --model L_model --L_Net_name LCNet --L_Net_checkp data/models/LCNet_CVPR2019.pth.tar \
    --benchmark XXXXX --bm_dir XXXX

Code structure

├── main.py
├── run_model.py
├── datasets
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── pms_transforms.py
│   ├── ups_DiLiGenT_dataset.py
│   ├── ups_GourdApple_dataset.py
│   ├── ups_Harvard_dataset.py
│   ├── ups_LightStage_dataset.py
│   ├── ups_synth_dataset.py
│   ├── ups_synth_test_dataset.py
│   └── util.py
├── models
│   ├── archs
│   │   ├── GCNet.py
│   │   ├── LCNet.py
│   │   ├── L_Net.py
│   │   ├── N_Net.py
│   │   └── PS_FCN.py
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── model_utils.py
│   ├── base_model.py
│   ├── GCNet_model.py
│   ├── GCNet_N_model.py
│   ├── L_model.py
│   ├── L_N_model.py
│   └── N_model.py
├── options
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── base_opts.py
│   ├── run_model_opts.py
│   └── train_opts.py
└── utils
    ├── __init__.py
    ├── draw_utils.py
    ├── eval_utils.py
    ├── logger.py
    ├── recorders.py
    ├── test_utils.py
    ├── time_utils.py
    ├── train_utils.py
    └── utils.py


The training process is described in docs/training.md.


Part of the code is based on the great pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix repository.


Please cite the corresponding paper(s) if you use the real dataset(s) in your work (e.g., DiLiGenT benchmark, Light Stage Data Gallery, Gourd&Apple Dataset, and Harvard Photmetric Stereo Dataset).

If you find this code or the provided models useful in your research, please consider cite:

  title={What is Learned in Deep Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo?},
  author={Chen, Guanying and Waechter Michael and Shi, Boxin and Wong, Kwan-Yee~K. and Matsushita, Yasuyuki},