

CS692 Seminar: Systems for Machine Learning, Machine Learning for Systems

Course website: https://guanh01.github.io/teaching/2020-fall-mlsys

This is the (evolving) reading list for the seminar. The papers are from top ML venues (ICML, ICLR, etc) and system venues (ASPLOS, PLDI, etc). The selection criteria is whether some keywords are in paper title.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to (copied from MLSys website):

Table of Contents

Systems for Machine Learning <a name="sys4ml"></a>

Distributed and Parallel Learning <a name="distributed"></a>

Efficient Training <a name="training"></a>

DNN Training

GNN Training

Neural Architecture Search

Continous Learning

Efficient Inference <a name="inference"></a>


Resource Management




Model Serving

Testing and Debugging <a name="debugging"></a>

Robustness <a name="robustness"></a>

Other Metrics (Interpretability, Privacy, etc.) <a name="other-metrics"></a>

Data Preparation <a name="data"></a>

ML programming models <a name="pl-models"></a>

Machine Learning for Systems <a name="ml4sys"></a>

ML for ml system <a name='ml4ml'></a>

ML for compiler <a name='compiler'></a>

ML for programming languages <a name="pl"></a>

ML for memory management <a name="mm"></a>

General Reports <a name="reports"></a>

Other Resources <a name="other"></a>