

Discord for J2ME

Discord client for Java ME (MIDP 1.0 and 2.0) devices, inspired by Discord for Symbian. Uses proxy servers for the HTTP and gateway connection.

Also see Droidcord, a Discord client for old Android devices.




Not implemented

How to build

  1. Install Sun Java Wireless Toolkit 2.5.2 on your computer.
    • If you haven't already, install an older JDK version (e.g. 1.6.0_45).
  2. Open Wireless Toolkit and create a new project named Discord.
  3. Copy the contents of this repository into the project's folder.
    • On Windows, it should be in C:\Users\yourname\j2mewtk\2.5.2\apps\Discord
  4. Build the project.
    • To create a JAR, go to Options -> Package -> Create package.
    • Optional: to create an obfuscated JAR, go to Options -> Package -> Create obfuscated package.
      • For this, you'll need Proguard installed as part of your WTK.
      • Download one of the older versions here (e.g. 3.4).
      • Extract the ZIP and copy the proguard.jar file from the lib folder into the bin folder of your WTK installation.
