

Nebula engine


Get in contact on Discord! https://discord.gg/wuYPxUF

Check out the documentation (WIP) here: https://gscept.github.io/nebula-doc/


  1. OS: Windows and Linux (WIP)
  2. Compiler with support for C++20.
  3. GPU and drivers supporting Vulkan 1.2+
  4. CMake 3.21+
  5. Python 3.5+
    • Python requirements (Windows):
      1. Matching architecture (64-bit if you're building for 64-bit systems)
      2. Installed for all users
      3. Added to PATH
      4. Installed with debugging symbols and binaries


There are a few simple projects in the test folder, but a more interesting project is available as well Nebula-demo. Fips will take care of getting the relevant dependencies (including the actual engine in case you are setting up a external project)

Setup config

  1. fips set config win64-vstudio-debug in your project directory, e.g. the cloned nebula-demo. There are other configs available, see in fips-files/configs
  2. fips fetch Downloads/checks out all the other required repositories

Select the project and source directory

Run fips nebula verb to set work and toolkit directory registry variables:

Build project

In your project directory:

  1. fips physx build vc17 debug (if you are running VS 2022, use vc16 or vc15 for vs 2019/2017 instead)
  2. fips anyfx setup
  3. fips ultralight
  4. fips gen to generate the required build system files, e.g. a visual studio solution
  5. fips build to directly compile the project or fips open to open the generated solution in your selected environment


Nebula is being developed continuously, which means that features keep getting added all the time. Currently, we support this:


A lot of effort has been made to the Nebula rendering subsystem, where we currently support:

Entity system

Nebula has historically had a database-centric approach to entities. With the newest iteration of Nebula, we've decided to keep improving by adopting an ECS approach, still keeping it database-centric.


Deferred Lighting using 3D clustering and GPU culling. Deferred Lighting using 3D clustering and GPU culling Geometric decals, culled on GPU and rendered in screen-space. Geometric decals, culled and calculated entirely on GPU Volumetric fog lighting. Volumetric fog lighting Local fog volumes. Local fog volumes Profiling tools. Profiling