<img src="/screenshots/summary.png" width="900">Track my path
An android app that tracks your walk with images every 100 meters:
- images fetched from Flickr based on location
- pictures are shown in a list, and user can scroll through the stream
- one button start/stop, on each start the previous stream of photos gets wiped
- when the app is removed from background and user has not stopped the tracking, the tracking continues in a service
Please create a Flickr account and use your own api key. Add it in the FlickrApi file.
MVVM pattern with Clean architecture developed with Kotlin.
Clean architecture consists of three layers:
- Data, includes data objects, databases, network clients, repositories.
- Domain, includes use cases of business logic. This layer orchestrates the flow of data from Data Layer to Presentation and the other way.
- Presentation, includes UI related components, such as ViewModels, Fragments, Activities.
Android Jetpack Components used:
- Fragment
- ViewModel
- LifecycleService
- View Binding
- LiveData
- Room
- Location
- ActivityScenario, instrumentation testing (part of AndroidX Test)
- Espresso (UI tests)
- Koin, (in master branch) an easy-to-use DI framework. Nice comparison with Dagger
- Hilt (in feature-hilt-di branch) a DI library for Android based on Dagger
- Kotlin Coroutines
- fresco, an Android library for managing images and the memory they use
- Retrofit
- OkHttp
- moshi, JSON library for Kotlin and Java
- Timber, a logger which provides utility on top of Android’s Log class
- detekt, Static code analysis for Kotlin
Flickr API:
- Google I/O 2018 app — Architecture and Testing
- Clean Architecture of Android Apps with Practical Examples
- Clean Architecture Guide (with tested examples): Data Flow != Dependency Rule