An android app that showing the details of the BTC/USD currency pair, at real-time:
- a summary (current price, price change, volume, low, high) - ticker
- a table with the order book
MVVM pattern with Clean architecture developed with Kotlin.
Clean architecture consists of three layers:
- Data, includes data objects, databases, network clients, repositories.
- Domain, includes use cases of business logic. This layer orchestrates the flow of data from Data Layer to Presentation and the other way.
- Presentation, includes UI related components, such as ViewModels, Fragments, Activities.
Each layer has its own entities/models which are specific to that package. Mapper is used for conversion of one layer to another.
Android Jetpack Components used:
- Activity
- Fragment
- ViewModel
- LiveData
- View Binding (used to replace
and synthetic binding) - Data Binding (used for Layouts and binding expressions), example: binding expression
- ActivityScenario, for instrumentation test (part of AndroidX Test)
- Espresso
Koin, an easy-to-use DI framework. Nice comparison with Dagger
Scarlet, a Retrofit inspired WebSocket client, manages the client-server connection for you. It makes use of a StateMachine to handle WebSocket connection correctly. Developed by Tinder, and has been in production for more than one year.
OkHttp, an HTTP client for Android and Java applications
moshi, JSON library for Kotlin and Java
Timber, a logger which provides utility on top of Android’s Log class
<img src="" width="400">Sources: