

grunt-contrib-clean v2.0.1 Build Status

Clean files and folders

Getting Started

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-contrib-clean --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


This plugin is designed to work with Grunt 0.4.x and newer. If you're still using grunt v0.3.x it's strongly recommended that you upgrade, but in case you can't please use v0.3.2.

Clean task

Run this task with the grunt clean command.

Task targets, files and options may be specified according to the grunt Configuring tasks guide.

Due to the destructive nature of this task, always be cautious of the paths you clean.



Type: Boolean
Default: false

This overrides this task from blocking deletion of folders outside current working dir (CWD). Use with caution.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Will not actually delete any files or directories. If the task is run with the --verbose flag, the task will log messages of what files would have be deleted.

Note: As this task property contains a hyphen, you will need to surround it with quotes.

Usage Examples

There are three formats you can use to run this task.


clean: ['path/to/dir/one', 'path/to/dir/two']

Medium (specific targets with global options)

clean: {
  build: ['path/to/dir/one', 'path/to/dir/two'],
  release: ['path/to/another/dir/one', 'path/to/another/dir/two']

Long (specific targets with per target options)

clean: {
  build: {
    src: ['path/to/dir/one', 'path/to/dir/two']

"Compact" and "Files Array" formats support a few additional properties which help you deal with hidden files, process dynamic mappings and so on.

Globbing Patterns

Although documented in the Grunt Docs, here are some globbing pattern examples to achieve some common tasks:

clean: {
  folder: ['path/to/dir/'],
  folder_v2: ['path/to/dir/**'],
  contents: ['path/to/dir/*'],
  subfolders: ['path/to/dir/*/'],
  css: ['path/to/dir/*.css'],
  all_css: ['path/to/dir/**/*.css']
Skipping Files
// Deletes all .js files, but skips min.js files
clean: {
  js: ['path/to/dir/*.js', '!path/to/dir/*.min.js']

Options can be specified for all clean tasks and for each clean:target.

####### All tasks

// Prevents all targets from deleting any files
clean: {
  options: {
    'no-write': true
  build: ['dev/build'],
  release: ['dist']

####### Per-target

// Will delete files for `build` target
// Will NOT delete files for `release` target
clean: {
  build: ['dev/build'],
  release: {
    options: {
      'no-write': true
    src: ['dist']

Release History

Task submitted by Tim Branyen

This is a generated file.