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A set of Vue.js components for detecting QR codes and various other barcode formats right in the browser:

All components are responsive. Beyond that, close to zero styling. Make them fit your layout. Usage is simple and straight forward:

<qrcode-stream @detect="onDetect"></qrcode-stream>
methods: {
  onDetect (detectedCodes) {
    // ...


<p align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gruhn/vue-qrcode-reader/master/.github/preview1.gif" width="280" alt="preview screencast 1" /> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gruhn/vue-qrcode-reader/master/.github/preview2.gif" width="280" alt="preview screencast 2" /> </p>

Installation :package:

With NPM


npm install vue-qrcode-reader

You can import the components independantly

import { QrcodeStream, QrcodeDropZone, QrcodeCapture } from 'vue-qrcode-reader'

const MyComponent = {
  components: {

  // ...

or register all of them globally right away

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueQrcodeReader from 'vue-qrcode-reader'


Without NPM

Include the following JS file:


Make sure to include it after Vue:

<script src="./vue.js"></script>
<script src="./vue-qrcode-reader.umd.js"></script>

All components are automatically registered globally. Use kebab-case to reference them in your templates:


Troubleshooting :zap:

I don't see the camera when using QrcodeStream.

I'm running a dev server on localhost. How to test on my mobile device without HTTPS?

Some of my QR codes are not being detected.

1D barcodes are not being detected.

The default value for the formats prop is "['qr_code']", which reflects the setting before the formats prop was available. You'll need to add other barcode formats to this prop to detect those types of barcodes. Check out this demo.

How to make it work with Vue 2?

Support is dropped but you can downgrade to vue-qrcode-reader v3.* or lower.

I get a "Failed to fetch" error at runtime for some Wasm file.

That Wasm file implements the QR code detector. Unfortunately, it's not very convenient to bundle this file with the package. So by default we fetch it at runtime from a CDN. That's an issue for offline applications or applications that run in a network with strict CSP policy. For a workaround see: https://github.com/gruhn/vue-qrcode-reader/issues/354

torch is not supported on my device, although it has a flashlight.

Support for torch is inconsistent across devices, cameras and browsers and operating systems. On some devices the rear camera supports torch but the front camera doesn't, even if the front camera actually has a flashlight.

Furthermore, torch is not supported on iOS at all (last checked iOS 17.1).

Visit this page with your device. The list of links represents all cameras installed on the device. If you click, the camera should be loaded. Below the camera view the JSON object of "capabilities" is printed. If it doesn't contain the key/value pair "torch": true then flashlight is not supported for that camera.

This JSON object provided as payload of the camera-on event.