

<div align="center"> <h1>Caretta</h1> <p align="center"> <img src="images/logo.svg" width="25%" alt="caretta" title="caretta" /> <br><br> <a href="https://www.producthunt.com/posts/caretta?utm_source=badge-top-post-topic-badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_souce=badge-caretta" target="_blank"><img src="https://api.producthunt.com/widgets/embed-image/v1/top-post-topic-badge.svg?post_id=373791&theme=neutral&period=weekly&topic_id=267" alt="Caretta - Instant&#0032;K8s&#0032;service&#0032;dependency&#0032;map&#0044;&#0032;right&#0032;to&#0032;your&#0032;Grafana | Product Hunt" width="25%"/></a> </p> <h2>Instant K8s service dependency map, right to your Grafana.</h2> <h4> made by <a href="https://www.groundcover.com">groundcover</h4> <p>

slack License <br>

</div> <p align="center"> <img src="images/caretta.gif" width="90%" alt="caretta-screenshot" title="caretta-screenshot"> </p>

What is Caretta?

Caretta is a lightweight, standalone tool that instantly creates a visual network map of the services running in your cluster.

Carreta leverages eBPF to efficiently map all service network interactions in a K8s cluster, and Grafana to query and visualize the collected data.

Carreta is built to be efficient, with a minimal footprint on the system, and does not require any modifications of the cluster.

Caretta demonstrates the power of using eBPF for observability solutions, which is our vision at <a href="https://groundcover.com">groundcover</a>. If you're interested in understanding how Caretta is built, head over to our <a href="https://www.groundcover.com/blog/caretta">Caretta blog post!</a>

Installing Caretta :zap:

As simple as installing a helm chart. It is recommended to install Caretta in a new, unique namespace.

helm repo add groundcover https://helm.groundcover.com/
helm repo update
helm install caretta --namespace caretta --create-namespace groundcover/caretta


You can configure Caretta using helm values. Useful values:

Example yaml for overriding these values:

pollIntervalSeconds: 15  # set metrics polling interval 

tolerations:             # set any desired tolerations
  - key: node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane
    operator: Exists
    effect: NoSchedule
       enabled: true   # set to true to use persistent volume

This can also be done using the --set flag on the helm install command.


To uninstall, delete the helm release:

helm delete caretta --namespace caretta

Note that if persistent storage was enabled in the installation, it may not be deleted automatically by this command.


Working with Caretta :turtle:

Caretta's helm chart ships an instance of Grafana with a predefined dashboard using data published by Caretta. This dashboard contains some examples to demonstrate the usage of Caretta's metrics.

Using the provided Grafana instance

To access Grafana, port-forward port 3000 from the Grafana pod in Caretta's namespace.

Using kubectl, it should look something like this:

kubectl port-forward --namespace caretta <grafana-pod-name> 3000:3000

NOTE: Anonymous mode is enabled, making the default dashboard accessible with no login needed. To edit the default dashboard or create your own dashboard, use the default administrator's credentials user:admin ; password:caretta.

Scraping Caretta's metrics

Caretta uses Victoria Metrics to collect and publish its metrics, and the outcome can be consumed by any Prometheus-compatible dashboard.

Caretta's main metric is caretta_links_observed (Gauge). It uses the following labels to represent a specific connection (network socket) going through the cluster:

Along those labels, Caretta uses other labels for Grafana's Node Graph panel.

Example metric data

This example shows a connection between a client named checkoutservice, controlled by a deployment, to a service named productioncatalogservice on port 3550, from the perspective of the client. Total bytes sent by the client in this connection is 2537 bytes.

caretta_links_observed{client_id="1074587981",client_kind="Deployment",client_name="checkoutservice",client_namespace="demo-ng",link_id="198768460",role="1",server_id="1112713827",server_kind="Service",server_name="productcatalogservice",server_namespace="demo-ng",server_port="3550"} 2537

Example queries :star:

increase ((sum (server_port) (caretta_links_observed{client_name="some-client", server_name="some-server}))[15m]) 

will output the throughput observed between some-client and some-server in the last 15 minutes, aggregated by port.

sum by (server_name) (rate(caretta_links_observed{client_name="some-client"}))

will output the rate of traffic from some-client to servers it communicates with, aggregated by the server's name.

sort_desc(increase((sum by (client_name)(caretta_links_observed{server_namespace="external"}))[5m])) 

will output communication to external servers by client's name, sorted descending.

Need help:grey_question:

Feel free to reach us on our <a href="http://www.groundcover.com/join-slack">slack channel</a>, or create an issue in this repository.


Feel free to add your contribution to the project.