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sbt-web plugin which compresses CSS using yuicompressor.


Add the plugin to your project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("net.ground5hark.sbt" % "sbt-css-compress" % "0.1.4")

Add the Sonatype releases resolver:

resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("releases")

Enable the sbt-web plugin for your project:

lazy val root = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(SbtWeb)

Add the css-compress task to your asset pipeline in your build.sbt:

pipelineStages := Seq(cssCompress)

Configuration options

suffixExtension to append to each compressed file. Defaults to ".min.css"
parentDirParent directory name where compressed CSS will go. Defaults to "", which outputs the file into the base target directory
lineBreakNumber of characters on a line before attempting to insert a line break. This is merely a hint to the compressor. Defaults to -1 (never)

An example of providing an option is below:

CssCompress.suffix := ".min.css"

This will produce assets with the specified CssCompress.suffix suffix value under the CssCompress.parentDir directory within the target folder. This will be target/web/public/main or target/web/stage. You can also specify includeFilter in cssCompress or excludeFilter in cssCompress to select files on a custom criteria.


This code is licensed under the MIT License.