Pipeable Ruby - forget about grep / sed / awk / wc ... use pure, readable Ruby!
Map - each line
# count letters of each line
ls -1 | pru size
# select lines longer than five letters
ls -1 | pru 'size > 5'
# 2nd to last character
ls -1 | pru self[2..-1]
Reduce - all lines as Array
# count lines
ls -1 | pru -r size
# are the more than five lines?
ls -1 | pru -r 'size > 5'
# get 2nd to last line
ls -1 | pru -r self[2..-1]
Map and Reduce
# count letters in each line, then sum
ls -1 | pru size sum
# select lines longer than 5 letters, then join with commas
ls -1 | pru 'size > 5' 'join(",")'
Inplace edit
pru -i Gemfile 'sub /ruby/, "foo"'
gem install pru
or standalone
curl > pru && chmod +x pru
./pru -v
-r, --reduce CODE reduce via CODE
-I, --libdir DIR Add DIR to load path
--require LIB Require LIB (also comma-separated)
-i, --inplace-edit FILE Edit FILE inplace
-h, --help Show this.
-v, --version Show Version
# grep --- all lines including foo
ls -al | grep foo
ls -al | pru /foo/
# grep --- all lines including current date
ls -al | grep $(date +"%Y-%m-%d")
ls -al | pru 'include?("%Y-%m-%d"))'
# awk --- return second item
ls -al | awk '{print $2}'
ls -al | pru 'split(" ")[1]'
# awk --- count and average of all integers on second position
ls -al | awk '{ s += $2; } END {print "average" ,int(s/NR);print "count ",int(NR)}'
ls -al | pru 'split(" ")[1]' '"average #{mean(&:to_i)}\ncount #{size}"'
# wc --- count lines
ls -al | wc -l
ls -al | pru --reduce 'size'
# sed -- replace a 5 with five
ls -al | sed 's/5/five/'
ls -al | pru 'gsub(/5/,"five")'
# every second line
ls -al | pru 'i % 2 == 0'
# paste-friendly mime-types
curl | grep image | pru 'gsub(/(.*): (.*)/, %{"\\1" => "\\2",})'
# number of files by date:
ls -al | pru 'split(" ")[5]' 'grouped.sort_by{|d, f| -1 * f.size }.map{|d, f| "#{d} : #{f.size}" }'
ls -al | pru 'split(" ")[5]' 'counted'
# quotes inside a string
something | pru 'include?(%{"string"})'
# Find a gem version matching a requirement e.g. ~> 1.0.0
curl | pru --require json 'JSON.parse(self).map{|g|g["number"]}.find{|v|"~>1.0.1").satisfied_by? }'
# List your local repos by watchers
ls | pru '[self, `curl --silent "{self}"`.match(/<li class="watchers.*?(\d+)\s*<\/a/m)[1].to_i] rescue nil' 'sort_by(&:last){|n,i| "#{n} => #{i}" }'
# Cleanup strange whitespace in a file
pru -i Rakefile 'gsub(/\r\n/,"\n").gsub(/\t/," ")'
# Removing certain lines from output vs ruby -npe
ls -al | ruby -npe 'next unless $_.split(" ")[1].to_i > 3'
ls -al | pru 'split(" ")[1].to_i > 3'
Working with rvm / many gemsets -> only install once (or use standalone binary)
rvm 2.7.7 exec gem install pru
echo 'alias pru="rvm 2.7.2 exec pru"' >> ~/.bash_profile
Michael Grosser<br/><br/> License: MIT<br/>