


Warning this is not maintained! It might be nice to finish some day, but for the moment I'm not working on it.


cd mymodule
npm-exec 'echo $npm_package_name'
# mymodule
cd node_modules/mydependency
npm-exec 'echo $npm_package_name'
# mydependency

A more compelling example, notice how none of the testing tools need to be installed globally:

$ cd mymodule
$ npm install -D browserify coverify testling tape

$ cat <<EOF > index.js
module.exports = function (x) { return x * x }

$ cat <<EOF > test.js
var mymodule = require('./');
require('tape')('my browserified test', function (t) {
  t.equals(9, mymodule.doSomething(3))

$ npm-exec 'browserify -t coverify test.js | testling | coverify'

What it does

Loads the same environment that would be present for npm run-script <blah>, but executes arbitrary bash command lines. (even on windows! Thanks to bashful). This includes modifying $PATH so scripts in node_modules/.bin will be used before global modules.

What it might do

Allow saving of command lines into package.json automatically (like npm install --save does now). E.g. you might run: npm-exec --save test "mocha tests/*" and after that your npm test command would be all set up.

Watch out for your shell!

Your shell will expand environment variables first, so if you want to reference npm package variables in your command line, they need to be wrapped in single quotes.


npm install -g npm-exec

It's really only useful if it's installed globally (boo! hiss!) maybe it will get integrated into npm one day. Follow the issue that prompted me to write this module for more information.
