


Library and command line tool to generate @wharfkit/antelope types from Antelope ABI definitions.


The @greymass/abi2core package is distributed as a module on npm.

yarn global add @greymass/abi2core
# or
npm install --global @greymass/abi2core


After installing the abi2core command should be available, it takes Antelope ABI JSON on stdin and outputs @wharfkit/antelope TypeScript Types on stdout.


$ cleos -u https://eos.greymass.com get abi eosio.token | abi2core
// generated by @greymass/abi2core

import {Asset, Name, Struct} from '@wharfkit/antelope'

export class Account extends Struct {
    @Struct.field(Asset) balance!: Asset

export class Close extends Struct {
    @Struct.field(Name) owner!: Name
    @Struct.field(Asset.Symbol) symbol!: Asset.Symbol

export class Create extends Struct {
    @Struct.field(Name) issuer!: Name
    @Struct.field(Asset) maximum_supply!: Asset

export class CurrencyStats extends Struct {
    @Struct.field(Asset) supply!: Asset
    @Struct.field(Asset) max_supply!: Asset
    @Struct.field(Name) issuer!: Name

export class Issue extends Struct {
    @Struct.field(Name) to!: Name
    @Struct.field(Asset) quantity!: Asset
    @Struct.field('string') memo!: string

export class Open extends Struct {
    @Struct.field(Name) owner!: Name
    @Struct.field(Asset.Symbol) symbol!: Asset.Symbol
    @Struct.field(Name) ram_payer!: Name

export class Retire extends Struct {
    @Struct.field(Asset) quantity!: Asset
    @Struct.field('string') memo!: string

export class Transfer extends Struct {
    @Struct.field(Name) from!: Name
    @Struct.field(Name) to!: Name
    @Struct.field(Asset) quantity!: Asset
    @Struct.field('string') memo!: string


You need Make, node.js and yarn installed.

Clone the repository and run make to checkout all dependencies and build the project. See the Makefile for other useful targets. Before submitting a pull request make sure to run make lint.

Made with ☕️ & ❤️ by Greymass, if you find this useful please consider supporting us.