

This project has no maintainer at the moment. Pull requests are welcome.


This project is aimed to find which pins exposed by the target device are JTAG pins. It does so by enumerating throughout the provided pins set and trying to abuse some JTAG features, such as BYPASS and IDCODE registers.

It is written in Go and supposed to be used under Linux (or any OS which Go supports) on the device with GPIO lines exported to userspace. Raspberry Pi 1,2,3 is the most famous example.

The tool drives GPIO either using go-rpio or libgpiod. The first one is designed for Raspberry Pi and uses gpiomem driver which makes it really fast. libgpiod works on any Linux system. Thus, this tool can be used on general-purpose laptops/desktops as well. However, the corresponding device is required that exposes /dev/gpiochipX pseudo-files.

Initially this project was a port of JTAGenum to Golang. Current version has implementation mostly ported from another great project JTAGulator.

For technical documentation refer to the original project. Also, consider comments in the source code that were taken from JTAGulator implementation.

Changes Comparing to JTAGenum

The goal was to just port JTAGenum Arduino project to Go for the following reasons:

After porting was finished it became clear that logic behind is not perfect and produces unstable results. Thus, implementation of the core functions was taken from JTAGulator. Once features were tested the source code was adopted to Go coding style.


Install libgpiod development package, usually called as libgpiod-dev or libgpiod-devel. This is required even on Raspberry Pi where you will not use "gpiod" driver. However, this is very lightweight library which could be useful by itself (well, tools from this library).

Package installation is standard for Go packages:

$ go get github.com/gremwell/go-jtagenum

The result can be used as $GOPATH/bin/go-jtagenum.


Hardware Part

Investigate your target and try to determine JTAG pins in hardware way. This will help to analyse this tool's output.

Do the required wiring to connect JTAG pins with GPIOs on your board (which runs this tool).

Write-down GPIO pin numbers (as OS understands them) and give each number unique identifier.

Software Part

Again, for technical documentation refer to the original project.

Prepare pins configuration in JSON format, the following example is self-descriptive:

{ "pin1": 18, "pin2": 23, "pin3": 24, "pin4": 25, "pin5": 8, "pin6": 7, "pin7": 10, "pin8": 9, "pin9": 11 }`

Check for loops:

# go-jtagenum -pins '{ "pin1": 18, "pin2": 23, "pin3": 24, "pin4": 25, "pin5": 8, "pin6": 7, "pin7": 10, "pin8": 9, "pin9": 11 }' -command check_loopback
defined pins: map[24:pin3 25:pin4 8:pin5 11:pin9 18:pin1 23:pin2 10:pin7 9:pin8 7:pin6]
Starting loopback check...

Perform enumeration:

# go-jtagenum -pins '{ "pin1": 18, "pin2": 23, "pin3": 24, "pin4": 25, "pin5": 8, "pin6": 7, "pin7": 10, "pin8": 9, "pin9": 11 }' -command scan_bypass
defined pins: map[18:pin1 24:pin3 8:pin5 9:pin8 25:pin4 7:pin6 11:pin9 23:pin2 10:pin7]
Starting scan for pattern 0110011101001101101000010111001001
FOUND!  TCK:pin4 TMS:pin3 TDO:pin2 TDI:pin1, possible nTRST: pin5 pin7 


# go-jtagenum -pins '{ "pin1": 18, "pin2": 23, "pin3": 24, "pin4": 25, "pin5": 8, "pin6": 7, "pin7": 10, "pin8": 9, "pin9": 11 }' -command scan_idcode
defined pins: map[23:pin2 8:pin5 7:pin6 24:pin3 9:pin8 11:pin9 18:pin1 10:pin7 25:pin4]
Starting scan for IDCODE...
FOUND!  TCK:pin4 TMS:pin3 TDO:pin2
        0x0684617f (mfg: 0x0bf (Broadcom), part: 0x6846, ver: 0x0)
        0x5ba00477 (mfg: 0x23b (Solid State System Co., Ltd.), part: 0xba00, ver: 0x5)
        0x0684617f (mfg: 0x0bf (Broadcom), part: 0x6846, ver: 0x0)
     possible nTRST: pin6 pin8 pin9 pin1 pin5 pin7 

Verify determined pins:

# go-jtagenum -known-pins '{ "tdi": 18, "tdo": 23, "tms": 24, "tck": 25, "trst": 8 }' -command test_bypass
Starting BYPASS test for pattern 0110011101001101101000010111001001
sent pattern: 0110011101001101101000010111001001
recv pattern: 0110011101001101101000010111001001
# go-jtagenum -known-pins '{ "tdi": 18, "tdo": 23, "tms": 24, "tck": 25, "trst": 8 }' -command test_idcode
Attempting to retreive IDCODE...
0x0684617f (mfg: 0x0bf (Broadcom), part: 0x6846, ver: 0x0)
0x5ba00477 (mfg: 0x23b (Solid State System Co., Ltd.), part: 0xba00, ver: 0x5)
0x0684617f (mfg: 0x0bf (Broadcom), part: 0x6846, ver: 0x0)


Below are the real-world examples of running this tool under Raspberry Pi 3 to enumerate JTAG over five pins using both drivers:

# time ./go-jtagenum -pins '{ "pin1": 5, "pin2": 6, "pin3": 13, "pin4": 19, "pin5": 26 }' -command scan_bypass -driver rpio
defined pins: map[13:pin3 19:pin4 26:pin5 5:pin1 6:pin2]
Starting scan for pattern 0110011101001101101000010111001001
FOUND!  TCK:pin4 TMS:pin3 TDO:pin2 TDI:pin1, possible nTRST: pin5

real    0m25.291s
user    0m7.946s
sys     0m11.806s
# time ./go-jtagenum -pins '{ "pin1": 5, "pin2": 6, "pin3": 13, "pin4": 19, "pin5": 26 }' -command scan_bypass -driver gpiod
defined pins: map[26:pin5 5:pin1 6:pin2 13:pin3 19:pin4]
Starting scan for pattern 0110011101001101101000010111001001
FOUND!  TCK:pin4 TMS:pin3 TDO:pin2 TDI:pin1, possible nTRST: pin5

real    0m26.892s
user    0m9.544s
sys     0m13.344s

As can be seen, the tool itself is quite fast. go-rpio driver is faster than libgpiod as expected. Difference should become more noticeable when more pins used.

If Something is Not Clear

If tool's output is not clear or not expected, try the following:


There is a room for improvements and several ideas already came to our minds: