


Coinbase API V1 Client for Elixir:

This is an unofficial alpha coinbase API client for the Elixir language.

This API is based off of balanced-elixir and I take no credit for the organization of the project.

DISCLAIMER: Coinbase is an API for currency! This is not production ready yet and I take no responsibility for any damages.



{:coinbase, "~> 0.0.1"}


{:ok, coinbase} = Coinbase.new

#alternatively, you can pass in the key and secret

{:ok, coinbase} = Coinbase.new("my_key", "my_secret")

#then pass in the coinbase pid when calling functions

{status, response} = Coinbase.Users.Self.get(coinbase)

status is either `:ok` or `:error`
response is a Map converted from the json response from Coinbase.

Additional Links

Coinbase API Documentation can be found here. Although I've found about 10-15 typos and things wrong with their examples. Be careful.


Please help this library. It's a great way to get some elixir experience. There is a decent amount of grunt work I don't have the time for.

Things to submit pull requests for: