

Amber: Nostr event signer for Android

Amber is a nostr event signer for Android. It allows users to keep their nsec segregated in a single, dedicated app. The goal of Amber is to have your smartphone act as a NIP-46 signing device without any need for servers or additional hardware. "Private keys should be exposed to as few systems as possible as each system adds to the attack surface," as the rationale of said NIP states. In addition to native apps, Amber aims to support all current nostr web applications without requiring any extensions or web servers.

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GitHub downloads Last Version CI License: Apache-2.0


Current Features

Download and Install

<img src="./docs/obtainium.png" alt="Get it on Obtaininum" height="70"> <img src="https://github.com/machiav3lli/oandbackupx/raw/034b226cea5c1b30eb4f6a6f313e4dadcbb0ece4/badge_github.png" alt="Get it on GitHub" height="70"> <img src="https://fdroid.gitlab.io/artwork/badge/get-it-on.png" alt="Get it on F-Droid" height="70">


Issues can be logged on: https://gitworkshop.dev/repo/Amber

GitHub issues and pull requests here are also welcome. Translations can be provided via Crowdin

You can also send patches through Nostr using GitStr to this nostr address

By contributing to this repository, you agree to license your work under the MIT license. Any work contributed where you are not the original author must contain its license header with the original author(s) and source.

Usage for Android applications

Check Android.md

Usage for Web Applications

Check web-apps.md


<a align="center" href="https://github.com/greenart7c3/amber/graphs/contributors"> <img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=greenart7c3/amber" /> </a>