


IPO, short for InterPOlation, is an easing library allowing to describe complex easings in JSON (multiple point over time can be placed).

Inspired from Blender's IPO idea, it is made for animating a value in many ways over time.

Screenshot running example.js:

  { "p": [100, 100], "upper": [10, 20] },
  { "p": [200, 190], "lower": [-10, 0], "upper": [10, 0] },
  { "p": [250, 100], "upper": [30, 0] },
  { "p": [280, 140] },
  { "p": [350, 160] },
  { "p": [400, 50], "lower": [-50, 40], "upper": [100, 0] },
  { "p": [600, 250], "lower": [-140, 0], "upper": [ 40, -40 ] }

(the white dots are the interpolated values, the red point are the control points and their handles, the yellow curve is the SVG continuous curve.)


var IPO = require("ipo");
var ipo = IPO([ ...points... ]);
ipo(42); // Get the curve Y value at X=42


points is:

Under the hood