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A typed GraphQL client library for Rust.


Getting started

A complete example using the GitHub GraphQL API is available.

Alternative workflow using the CLI

You can introspect GraphQL APIs and generate module from a command line interface to the library:

$ cargo install graphql_client_cli
$ graphql-client --help

Deriving specific traits on the response

The generated response types always derive serde::Deserialize but you may want to print them (Debug), compare them (PartialEq) or derive any other trait on it. You can achieve this with the response_derives option of the graphql attribute. Example:

use graphql_client::GraphQLQuery;

    schema_path = "tests/unions/union_schema.graphql",
    query_path = "tests/unions/union_query.graphql",
    response_derives = "Serialize,PartialEq",
struct UnionQuery;

Implicit Null

The generated code will skip the serialization of None values.

use graphql_client::GraphQLQuery;

    schema_path = "tests/unions/union_schema.graphql",
    query_path = "tests/unions/union_query.graphql",
struct UnionQuery;

Custom scalars

In GraphQL, five scalar types, Int, Float, String, Boolean, and ID, are available out of the box and are automatically mapped to equivalent types in Rust. However, in addition, custom scalar types can be defined by service providers by adding declarations like scalar URI to the server schema.

If such custom scalar types are defined in the schema, depending on the content of the query, the generated code will also reference those scalar types. This means you have to provide matching Rust types in the scope of the struct under derive. It can be as simple as declarations like type URI = String;. This gives you complete freedom on how to treat custom scalars, as long as they can be deserialized. If such declarations are not provided, you will get build errors like this:

error[E0412]: cannot find type `URI` in module `super`
   | #[derive(GraphQLQuery)]
   |          ^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in `super`
   = note: possible candidate is found in another module, you can import it into scope:


The generated code has support for @deprecated field annotations. You can configure how deprecations are handled via the deprecated argument in the GraphQLQuery derive:

use graphql_client::GraphQLQuery;

  schema_path = "tests/unions/union_schema.graphql",
  query_path = "tests/unions/union_query.graphql",
  deprecated = "warn"
pub struct UnionQuery;

Valid values are:

The default is warn.

Query documents with multiple operations

You can write multiple operations in one query document (one .graphql file). You can then select one by naming the struct you #[derive(GraphQLQuery)] on with the same name as one of the operations. This is neat, as it allows sharing fragments between operations.

Note that the struct and the operation in the GraphQL file must have the same name. We enforce this to make the generated code more predictable.

use graphql_client::GraphQLQuery;

    schema_path = "tests/unions/union_schema.graphql",
    query_path = "tests/unions/union_query.graphql",
pub struct UnionQuery;

There is an example in the tests.

Documentation for the generated modules

You can use cargo doc --document-private-items to generate rustdoc documentation on the generated code.

Make cargo recompile when .graphql files have changed

There is an include option you can add to your Cargo.toml. It currently has issues however (see this issue).


See the examples directory in this repository.


Warmest thanks to all those who contributed in any way (not only code) to this project:

Code of conduct

Anyone who interacts with this project in any space, including but not limited to this GitHub repository, must follow our code of conduct.


Licensed under either of these:


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution you intentionally submit for inclusion in the work, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual-licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.