

GraPHPinator Upload PHP codecov

:zap::globe_with_meridians::zap: Module to handle multipart formdata requests.


This Module allows GraPHPinator to handle uploads using multipart-formdata requests. This module hooks into Graphpinator workflow before parsing the request, reads the map and places uploaded files into according variable.


Install package using composer

composer require infinityloop-dev/graphpinator-upload

How to use

  1. Implement FileProvider

FileProvider is a service that extracts files from a multipart request by their key. Each HTTP framework provides its own implementation and FileProvider serves as an adapter. Framework specific implementations can be found in Graphpinator packages for according framework, eg infinityloop-dev/graphpinator-nette contains FileProvider implementation for Nette's HTTP abstraction.

  1. Register UploadModule as GraPHPinator module:
$uploadModule = new \Graphpinator\Upload\UploadModule($fileProvider);
$graphpinator = new \Graphpinator\Graphpinator(
    new \Graphpinator\Module\ModuleSet([$uploadModule, /* possibly other modules */]),
  1. Register UploadType to your Container:

This step is probably done by registering UploadType as service to your DI solution.

  1. Optional step: Use infinityloop-dev/graphpinator-constraint-directives to validate uploaded files.

For more information visit constraint directives package.

Known limitations