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Welcome to graph-app-kit

Turn your graph data into a secure and interactive visual graph app in 15 minutes!



This open source effort puts together patterns the Graphistry team has reused across many graph projects as teams go from code-heavy Jupyter notebook experiments to deploying streamlined analyst tools. Whether building your first graph app, trying an idea, or wanting to check a reference, this project aims to simplify that process. It covers pieces like: Easy code editing and deployment, a project stucture ready for teams, built-in authentication, no need for custom JS/CSS at the start, batteries-included data + library dependencies, and fast loading & visualization of large graphs.


Get started

Quick (Local code) - full GPU core + third-party connectors

Note: Base image includes Nvidia RAPIDS and AI dependencies so is quite large, see CPU alternative for a lightweight alternativve

Note: Use sudo for docker-compose commands if your configuration requires it and is giving permission error

# Minimal core
git clone https://github.com/graphistry/graph-app-kit.git
cd graph-app-kit/src/docker

# Enable docker buildkit
# ... or run docker-compose via provided alias script `./dc`

# Build
docker-compose build

# Optional: Edit src/docker/.env (API accounts), docker-compose.yml: Auth, ports, ...

# Launch
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose logs -f -t --tail=100

=> http://localhost:8501/

To add views and relaunch:

# Add dashboards @ src/python/views/<your_custom_view>/__init__.py

docker-compose up -d --force-recreate

Quick (Local code) - minimal CPU core + third-party connectors

Same commands as above, but use ./dc.cpu, which aliases docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f override/cpu.override.yml:

git clone https://github.com/graphistry/graph-app-kit.git
cd graph-app-kit/src/docker
./dc.cpu build
./dc.cpu up

Quick Launchers - minimal/full core

  1. Quick launch options:

Full: Launch Stack


# launch logs
tail -f /var/log/cloud-init-output.log -n 1000

# app logs
sudo docker ps
sudo docker logs -f -t --tail=1 MY_CONTAINER

# restart a graphistry container
cd graphistry && sudo docker-compose restart MY_CONTAINER

# restart caddy (Caddy 1 override)
cd graphistry && sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.gak.graphistry.yml up -d caddy

# run streamlit
cd graph-app-kit/public/graph-app-kit && docker-compose -p pub run -d --name streamlit-pub streamlit
cd graph-app-kit/private/graph-app-kit && docker-compose -p priv run -d --name streamlit-priv streamlit

Minimal: Open Streamlit, ssh to connect/add free Graphistry Hub username/pass:

Database-specific: Amazon Neptune, TigerGraph

  1. Add views

  2. Main configurations and extensions: Database connectors, authentication, notebook-based editing, and more

Native (Experimental)

Install dependencies, pick location of views folder, and run:

cd src/python
pip3 install -r requirements-system.txt
pip3 install -r requirements-app.txt
VIEW_PATH="`pwd`/views" streamlit run entrypoint.py 

The pieces


GPU acceleration (optional) - Full

For non-minimal installs, if GPUs are present, graph-app-kit leverages GPU cloud acceleration:

Prebuilt integrations & recipes

graph-app-kit works well with the Python data ecosystem (pandas, cudf, PySpark, SQL, ...) and we're growing the set of builtins and recipes:


We welcome all sorts of help!

See DEVELOP.md for more contributor information