


Scripts to setup a GPU / CUDA enable compute server with libraries to study deep learning development

Setting up an Amazon g2.2xlarge spot instance

Once your machine is up (status : running in the online console), note the address to your instance : INSTANCE_ID.compute.amazonaws.com

Note: other regions with access to the deeplearning-paris image: Singapore, Ireland, North Virginia

Start using your instance

Using the notebooks

By default an IPython notebook server and an iTorch notebook server should be running on port 8888 and 8889 respectively. You need to open those ports in the Security Group of your instance if you have not done so yet.

To start using your instance, simply open the following URLs in your favorite browser:

SSH Connection to your instance

Once the instance is up, you might need to access directly your instance via SSH:

chmod 400 mykey.pem
ssh -i mykey.pem ubuntu@INSTANCE_ID.compute.amazonaws.com

Other instructions

Setting up ssh connection keys

This optional part helps you setting ssh connection keys for better and easier access to your instance. If you already have a public key, skip the keygen part.

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
vi ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Host dlmachine
     HostName INSTANCE_ID.compute.amazonaws.com
     User ubuntu
     ServerAliveInterval 300
     ServerAliveCountMax 2
ssh dlmachine

Running ipython / iTorch server

If the notebooks do not work you can login to your instance via as ssh:

ssh -A ubuntu@INSTANCE_ID.compute.amazonaws.com

(optional) Start a screen or tmux terminal:


Use the top or ps aux command to check whether the ipython process is running. If this is not the case, launch the ipython and itorch notebook server:

ipython notebook --ip='*' --port=8888 --browser=none
itorch notebook --ip='*' --port=8889 --browser=none