

prep has been deprecated in favor of newer tools like Gatsby and Next.js

prep npm version

Pre-renders your web app into static HTML based on your specified routes enabling SEO for single page applications.

NOTE: prep is now based on Chromeless. We'll shortly release an updated version.



npm install -g prep


Just run prep in your terminal or add it to the scripts as part of your build step in your package.json. If you don't provide a target-dir the contents of the source-dir will be overwritten.

  Usage: prep [options] <source-dir> [target-dir]


    -h, --help           output usage information
    -c, --config [path]  Config file (Default: prep.js)
    -p, --port [port]    Phantom server port (Default: 45678)

In order to configure the routes which you'd like to pre-render you need to specifiy them in a Javascript config file with the following schema. If you don't provide a config file, prep will just pre-render the / route.

const defaultConfig = {
  routes: ['/'],
  timeout: 1000,
  dimensions: {
    width: 1440,
    height: 900,
  https: false,
  hostname: 'http://localhost',
  useragent: 'Prep',
  minify: false,
  concurrency: 4,
  additionalSitemapUrls: [],

Example prep.js

There are three different ways to configure prep. Which one you pick depends on your use case.

1. Javascript Object

The probably easiest way is to export a simple Javascript object.

exports.default = {
  routes: [

2. Synchronous Function

You can also return a function that returns the config for prep.

exports.default = () => {
  return {
    routes: [

3. Asynchronous Function (Promise)

Furthermore you can also return a Promise or use ES7 features such as async & await (Babel pre-compile step needed).

export default async () => {
  const routes = await getRoutesAsync()
  return { routes }

How it works

The concept behind prep is very simple. prep starts a temporary local webserver and opens your provided routes via PhantomJS. Each route will be exported as a static HTML file. The resulting folder structure is the same as the structure of your routes.

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