MIPS Processor Implemented with Python and Icarus Verilog
CS3339 Semester Project Spring 2018
Only the myHDL side of this project is currently functional. Please see this issue for more information
This project simulates a MIPS-like 5 stage pipeline through co-simulation between Python and Icarus Verilog. The machine is implemented with a 32-bit architecture through the myHDL library.
Execution :rocket:
From the project root:
- Install Docker
- Build the container:
$ docker build -t mips32 .
- Run tests:
$ docker run --rm mips32
- SSH into a new container if you want:
$ docker run --rm -it mips32 bash
- Execute processor!
$ docker run --rm mips32 python
If needed run export PYTHONPATH=pwd
Repository Explained :mag_right:
docs/: Find (deprecated) in depth instructions on how to run this repository through an Oracle virtual box. Other files such as structure of modules and the operation codes for the arithmetic logic unit used in the machine.
- Here's a snapshot of structure.txt, every module is described by the inputs and outputs as well as what module each signal came from or is going to.
- To kick off the simulation we start by running the file at the root of the app directory. This is the driver to the simulation. Inside of will be the code that initializes all of the components of our processor so that we can also begin the simulation within this same file.
- also includes a series of output statements that tell us all our signals and modules are working together properly. The output gives us a clear idea of the 5 stages of the pipeline.
src/: Holds all the elements necessary to simulate the 5-stage pipeline co-simulation
- commons/: modules that get called regularly by the component modules of the machine. (ex. clock)
- python/: all the component modules of the machine written in the Python language. Notice that each file has a second co-simulation function, this is how we are able to simulate the python and verilog side-by-side
- verilog/: all the component modules of the machine written in the verilog hardware description language. The directory also includes test benches for every module denoted with "_tb" following the specific module name.
lib/: Holds all of the static files used in the simulation. Files that represent the instruction memory and data memory are stored here.
test/: Stores the tests used to check that both the python and verilog are working in sync.
To test all modules (from root):
python test/
To test a specific module (from root):
python test/
run these commands only after you've gone through the Execution steps.
Links :key:
Authors :computer:
- Grant Slape
- Isaac Jaimes
- Patrick Vinas
- Mark Gitthens
- Serena Gutierrez
- Natalie Garza
- Huan Wu
Acknowledgements :book:
Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface by David Patterson and John Hennessy