


Inspect JavaScript object methods and properties in the console.

Maintainability Build Status js-standard-style Patreon Donation

Event Emitter Example


Provides colourful functions to inspect JavaScript objects.


npm install --save-dev console-probe

Quick Start

Not recommended for production environments

const cp = require('./console-probe')
const arrLen = 2

const aussieSlang = {
  'name': 'Aussie Slang Words',
  'gday': Infinity,
  'maccas': Number.NaN,
  'arvo': undefined,
  'straya': null,
  'footy': {specky: true},
  'biccy': (size, toppings) => {},
  'servo': true,
  'choccy': Symbol('Mmmmm...'),
  'bottle-o': Error('Cheers mate! My shout next'),
  'tinny': 42,
  'coppa': new Date(),
  'tradie': 'She\'ll be right mate?',
  'postie': /a.long.regexp.that.keeps.giving/,
  'garbo': [1, 2, 3],
  'muso': new Int8Array(arrLen),
  'cabbie': new Uint8Array(arrLen),
  'ambo': new Uint8ClampedArray(arrLen),
  'prezzie': new Int16Array(arrLen),
  'chrissie': new Uint16Array(arrLen),
  'cuppa': new Int32Array(arrLen),
  'mate': new Uint32Array(arrLen),
  'snag': new Float32Array(arrLen),
  'drongo': new Float64Array(arrLen),
  'fairDinkum': new Map([['foo', 'bar']]),
  'bonza': new Set([['foo', 'bar']]),
  'tooRight': new WeakMap(),
  'dunny': new WeakSet(),
  'cobber': new ArrayBuffer(arrLen),
  'barbie': new SharedArrayBuffer(arrLen),
  'stickybeak': Atomics,
  'stoked': new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(arrLen)),
  'ripper': Promise.resolve(),
  'mongrel': (function * () {})(),
  'holyDooley': function * (foo, bar) {},
  'roo': async function (foo, bar) {}
const secret = Symbol('Hidden Property')
aussieSlang[secret] = 'Bogan'

// Calling console-probe functions.
cp.probe(aussieSlang) // Writes a prototype tree to the console
cp.json(aussieSlang) // Writes a JSON formatted object to the console
cp.yaml(aussieSlang) // Writes a YAML formatted object to the console
cp.ls(aussieSlang) // Writes a formatted object to the console

// Adding console-probe functions to the console.
console.probe(aussieSlang) // Throws exception 'console.probe is not a function'
console.json(aussieSlang) // Throws exception 'console.json is not a function'
console.yaml(aussieSlang) // Throws exception 'console.yaml is not a function'
console.ls(aussieSlang) // Throws exception 'console.ls is not a function'
console.probe(aussieSlang) // Writes a prototype tree to the console
console.json(aussieSlang) // Writes a JSON formatted object to the console
console.yaml(aussieSlang) // Writes a YAML formatted object to the console
console.ls(aussieSlang) // Writes a formatted object to the console

// Adding console-probe functions to an object.
const foo = {}
foo.probe(aussieSlang) // Writes prototype tree to the console
foo.json(aussieSlang) // Writes a JSON formatted object to the console
foo.yaml(aussieSlang) // Writes a YAML formatted object to the console
foo.ls(aussieSlang) // Writes a formatted object to the console

The above code will produce the following results when it writes to the console.

The probe function output:

Note: Type detection errors will display as [Unknown].

Example Probe Output

The json function output:

Example Json Output

The yaml function output:

Example Yaml Output

The ls function output:

Example ls Output


There are many amazing packages on npm. Many of those packages are not well documented. Rather than go straight to reading source code I wrote console-probe to inspect objects and discover methods and properties. Using Node.js with inspect is often a better approach however I don't always have it running; this is when console-probe comes in handy.


The console-probe package provides four functions that will write to the console:


probe Function

Description: Inspects the passed objects properties and methods, then the prototype of the passed object, and so on till the last prototype is analyzed. A tree of the properties and methods on each prototype is written to the console.

Method Signature: probe(object)

Parameter: object can be any JavaScript type.



const cp = require('console-probe')
cp.probe({ key: 'value' })
// Writes the object prototype hierarchy to the console
// See above for an example of the output

json Function

Description: This function simply calls fast-safe-stringify and then adds color via json-colorizer. Once that is done it writes the result to the console.

Method Signature: json(object, replacer, spacer, color)




const cp = require('console-probe')
cp.json({ key: 'value' })
// Outputs the following to the console:
// {
//   "key": "value"
// }

yaml Function

Description: This function wraps the prettyjson render function and writes the result to the console. The result is a colorized formatted YAML representation of the object data.

Signature: yaml(object, options, indentation)




const cp = require('console-probe')
cp.yaml({ key: 'value' })
// Outputs the following to the console:
// key: value

ls Function

Description: This function wraps the jsome render function and writes the result to the console. The result is a colorized formatted representation of the object data.

Signature: ls(object)




const cp = require('console-probe')
cp.ls({ key: 'value' })
// Outputs the following to the console:
// {
//   key: "value"
// }

apply Function

Signature: apply(object)

Parameter: object can be any object you would like to add console-probe functions to.



const cp = require('console-probe')
// console now has a probe, json, yaml, and ls functions.

const foo = {}
// foo now has a probe, json, yaml, and ls functions.

Another approach to simply augment the console:

// console.probe, console.json, console.yaml, and console.ls are now ready for use.

About the Owner

I, Grant Carthew, am a technologist, trainer, and Dad from Queensland, Australia. I work on code in a number of personal projects and when the need arises I build my own packages.

This project exists because I wanted to inspect objects from the console.

Everything I do in open source is done in my own time and as a contribution to the open source community.

If you are using my projects and would like to thank me or support me, please click the Patreon link below.

Patreon Donation

See my other projects on NPM.


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  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D

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