

What's wrong with contentEditable

Nick Santos (medium) on "Why contentEditable is terrible"

Piotrek Koszuliński (CKEditor) on "contentEditable — the good, the bad, and the ugly"

Piotrek Koszuliński (CKEditor) on "Fixing contentEditable"

List of contentEditable browser inconsistencies by Guardian

Problematic use cases in the wild

Chrome ticket on improving painting performance of contentEdtiable


Original discussion from June 2014

<blockquote>To make this simpler for sites, frameworks, and browsers, it makes sense to enable a new, simpler version of contentEditable that provides basic functionality only. For the sake of discussion, call it contentEditable='minimal'</blockquote>

Julie Parent breaking down potential contentEditable=minimal functionality:

  1. Selections: Enable selections, perform cursor movement, scoping the boundaries on which the selection can operate.
  2. Input: Perform dom modifications, dispatch events, not limited to keyboard input, also includes IME, paste, drop, etc.
  3. Spell check: Enable spell check, modify the dom (or dispatch an event) when the user selects a replacement
  4. Formatting magic: bold when the user hits control + b, change directionality on Ctrl+LeftShift , etc.

Where do we draw the line with cE=minimal? Only 1 or 1+2? Should cE=minimal modify DOM? Opinions divided in two. Some say that DOM mutation is a can of worms that shouldn't be opened (instead allowing user to change it programmatically). Others say that cE=minimal will be useless without some sort of automatic text modification.

W3C ticket on contentEditable=plaintext

Piotr Koszuliński on current progress with contentEditable=minimal

Light at the end of a tunnel?

The Editing Task Force

What about this kind of tiered solution?

contentEditable valueFires eventsDraws cursorMutates DOMFormatting