

HAPOD - Hierarchical Approximate Proper Orthogonal Decomposition


The HAPOD is an algorithm to compute the POD (left singular vectors, and singular values of a matrix) hierarchically for (column-wise partitioned) large-scale matrices, allowing to balance accuracy with performance. As a POD-of-PODs method, the HAPOD can be parallelized and further accelerated by user supplied SVD implementations.






C. Himpe, T. Leibner, S. Rave: "Hierarchical Approximate Proper Orthogonal Decomposition"; SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 40(5): A3267--A3292, 2018.


Basic Usage

[svec,sval,meta] = hapod(data,bound,topo,relax,meta,depth,mysvd)


Return Values


The HAPOD is computed based on a tree topology topo, with the data partitions at the tree's leafs. The following topologies are available:

If all data partitions can be passed as the data argument, the types: none (standard POD), incr(emental) HAPOD or dist(ributed) HAPOD are applicable. In case only a single partition is passed at a time, the types: incr_1 and dist_1 should be used for the child nodes of the associated HAPOD tree, while the types: incr_r and dist_r should be used for the root nodes. The returned meta-information structure (or a cell-array thereof) has to be passed to the parent node in the associated HAPOD tree.


The relaxation parameter w (0 < w < 1) balances accuracy versus speed. Larger w near one means be more accurate, while w near zero means faster computation. The default value is w = 0.5.


The meta structure contains the following meta-information of the completed sub-tree:

The argument meta only needs to be passed for topology types incr_r, dist_r and incr_1, unless it is first leaf. Especially, this means the user never has to create such a structure, since if it is required it is given as a previous HAPOD's return value.

Custom SVD

Via the mysvd argument a custom SVD function can be provided via a function handle with the following signature:

[U,d] = mysvd(X)

for a data matrix X, and returning left singular vectors in matrix U and singular values in column vector d. By default (or mysvd = eco) a standard rank-revealing SVD is used. Additionally, by mysvd = mos the method of snapshots can be selected.

Getting Started

Run the sample code:


which demonstrates the different implemented HAPOD variants and can be used as a template.


The distributed HAPOD is well suited for the MapReduce big data processing model. A basic MapReduce wrapper using the MATLAB (>=2020b) mapreduce function is provided by:


Cite As

C. Himpe, T. Leibner and S. Rave: "Hierarchical Approximate Proper Orthogonal Decomposition"; SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 40(5): A3267--A3292, 2018.

Used In

See Also