


first-boot-pkg is a tool to create a flat package that will install a series of packages when a Mac boots for the first time. This is designed for use with tools like AutoDMG, when you need to interact with the booted volume (for example, when binding to Active Directory or setting the Mac's hostname).


Run with --help for the full list of options.


$ sudo ./first-boot-pkg --pkg /path/to/a/package.pkg --pkg /path/to/another.pkg
Valdating packages:
package.pkg looks good.
another.pkg looks good.
pkgbuild: Inferring bundle components from contents of /tmp/tmpCfcNTg
pkgbuild: Adding component at usr/local/first-boot/packages/package.pkg
pkgbuild: Adding component at Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/LoginLog.app
pkgbuild: Wrote package to /Users/grahamgilbert/src/Mine/first-boot-pkg/first-boot.pkg

Setting common defaults via a plist, and overriding the version via the command line:

 sudo ./first-boot-pkg --plist /Users/grahamgilbert/Desktop/first-boot-config.plist --version 2.3

##Configuration plist

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"      "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">


By default, the network retry and sleep count are both set to 10 for a total of 100 seconds. If you would like a smaller delay with a total of 100 seconds, use a RetryCount of 100 and a SleepCount of 1. Note that a smaller SleepCount may result in more log entries.

If you would like to invoke either a reboot or shutdown, set one of the values to false.

You can now specify a "LaunchDaemonIdentifier". This will allow you to override the default value of "com.grahamgilbert.first-boot-pkg"


The original inspiration for this script came from Rich Trouton's First Boot Package Install.

This script makes use of Per Olofsson's LoginLog for displaying the log file whilst the script is running, so massive thanks to him for releasing it.