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Grafana Tanka

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grafana/tanka/main/docs/img/example.png" width="50%" align="right" />

The clean, concise and super flexible alternative to YAML for your Kubernetes cluster

<br /> <p align="center"> <a href="https://tanka.dev/tutorial/overview"><strong>Let's kill some YAML together&nbsp;&nbsp;▶</strong></a> </p>

:rocket: Getting started

To get started, install Tanka first, and then follow the tutorial. This should get you on track quickly.

:busts_in_silhouette: Community

There are several places to connect with the Tanka community:

Please don't ask individual project members or open GitHub issues for support requests. Use one of the above channels so everyone in the community can participate.

Furthermore, see LICENSE and GOVERNANCE.

:book: Additional resources

:pencil: License

Tanka is an open-source project :heart:. It is free as in beer and as in speech and this will never change.

Licensed under Apache 2.0, see LICENSE.