


go-depsync is a small command that identifies common dependencies with a given package, referred to as parent, and outputs a go get command that aligns the version of common dependencies with those of the parent package.

It is useful for extensions and plugins that are built together with a core package, and whose dependencies need to be aligned for binary compatibility.


go-depsync can be installed using go install:

$ go install github.com/grafana/go-depsync@latest

After that, it is ready to be used:

go-depsync --parent go.k6.io/k6

If the go.mod file for the local package is not on the working directory, a path to it can also be specified:

go-depsync --gomod /path/to/go.mod --parent go.k6.io/k6

go-depsync produces an output similar to the following:

$ go-depsync --parent=go.k6.io/k6
2023/11/17 15:02:56 Found parent go.k6.io/k6@v0.46.0
  google.golang.org/grpc  v1.57.0          v1.56.1
  github.com/spf13/cobra  v1.5.0           v1.4.0
  golang.org/x/sys        v0.11.0          v0.9.0
  github.com/spf13/afero  v1.2.2           v1.1.2

go get google.golang.org/grpc@v1.56.1 github.com/spf13/cobra@v1.4.0 golang.org/x/sys@v0.9.0 github.com/spf13/afero@v1.1.2

The final line includes the go get command that, when run, will sync the versions of commons dependencies to those of the parent. go-depsync outputs this line to stdout so it can be piped to a shell, or redirected to a script for later use.


Go versions earlier than 1.21 have been observed to produce unexpected result when the go get command is run, sometimes ignoring some of the versions specified in the command, or unexpectedly upgrading/downgrading dependencies that are not present on it. It is recommended to run the go get commands suggested by go-depsync with Go >= 1.21.