

Polyglot Embedding Demo with GraalVM

Demonstration repository showing polyglot embedding with GraalVM using Maven and Gradle. It contains a simple Main and Test class to bootstrap a polyglot embedding project.

For demonstration showing polyglot native embedding with GraalVM using Maven, see the Native embedding Maven project located in the native-embedding subdirectory.

For more details on polyglot embedding please see the docs: https://www.graalvm.org/latest/reference-manual/embed-languages/


Download GraalVM and point the JAVA_HOME environment variable to it.

Maven Usage

Download Maven or import as Maven project into your IDE.

Please see the pom.xml file for further details on the configuration.

Gradle Usage

Download Gradle or import as Maven project into your IDE.

Please see the build.gradle.kts file for further details on the configuration.