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<h3 align="center" > Java Google Speech Api ( Library )</h3> <p align="center"> šŸŽ¤ </p> <p align="center"> <sup> <b> Java + <a href="https://cmusphinx.github.io/wiki/tutorialsphinx4/#overview" target="_black"> Sphinx 5</a> Tutorials </b> </sup> </p>

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Before you start with anything watch these videos , hey i see you don't cheat :)

About CMU Sphinx5Full NetBeans Tutorial

Also visit this repository -> https://github.com/goxr3plus/sphinx-5-Maven-Example

PS Java 1.8.0_64 ++ Required ! Download Java 8 here : ( https://www.java.com/en/ )

Announcement , Now i more focused on Google Speech Recognition : github repository here

In case you want to parse Sphinx4-5 Grammar Files check this Library : JSFG-Grammar-Rules-Parser-Library-for-Sphinx4-5


Follow this awesome tutorials to learn how to implement a speech recognizer in Java step by step using Sphinx4-5.

------------------------ FOLDERS EXPLANATION ------------------------

------> All the libraries you need in order to run your programs are in the folder

------>Calculator Program Tutorials

This folder contains the first basic tutorial which contains a general class on how to use Sphinx4 . As simple as it .

Java Speech Recognition

Update for Tutorial 1 September 2017 with Github Packages Java Speech Recognition

This folder contains the first code for making the Speech Calculator vary basic.

Continuation of the calculator program.

Final part of the calculator program.

------>Using different Languages (Hindi , German , Italian etc)

--Example below--

Contains Tutorial1 folder code , and packages for Hindi Language Speech Recognition

Java Speech Recognition

------>Speech Recognition + JavaFX

This folder contains the same code as Tutorial1 + it is a JavaFX Application with User Interface .

Youtube Tutorial for JavaFX Speech Recognition Program + Sphinx4-5

Java Speech Recognition


Java Speech Recognition Java Speech Recognition