React components powered by Singapore Government Design System.
React Documentation can be found here -
We are in early development! If you are trying out sgds-govtech-react, feel free to leave us feedback in the issues page, or even submit a PR!
npm install sgds-govtech-react
Peer dependencies
Note that sgds-govtech-react has a peer dependency of styled-components - both packages need to be installed.
You will need to first import the sgds css styles, either in your website's <head>
element or through your frontend build.
For example, create-react-app
users should insert the css into the <head>
of public/index.html
Alternatively, install the sgds-govtech
npm install sgds-govtech
And import the css
using your build tool (e.g. Webpack):
// In your entry point
import "sgds-govtech/css/sgds.css";
Customisation with Sass (advanced)
If you want to modify SGDS's base styling, you can import the Sass source (your project needs to support Sass compilation) and override SGDS's sass variables.
npm install sgds-govtech
For example, importing sgds in your own sass file:
// styles/app.scss
// Override SGDS defaults
$primary: rgb(8, 11, 56);
$secondary: #ff8c00;
$warning: rgb(134, 37, 37);
// You must override this variable!
// See for details
$sgds-font-path: "../../../fonts";
// Import all of sgds
@import "~sgds-govtech/sgds/sass/sgds.scss";
Then, in your app:
import React from "react";
import "./styles/app.scss";
export default function App() {
return <div>...</div>;
For more information on customising with Sass, see the SGDS documentation.
Getting started
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { Button } from "sgds-govtech-react";
const app = () => {
return (
<div className="App">
ReactDOM.render(app, document.getElementById("root"));
Patch Notes
V0.1.7: Added Sidenav, Tab and their storybook documentation to the library V0.1.2: Added footer and masthead to component library