



Shockpot-Frontend is a full featured script to visualize statistics from a Shockpot honeypot.

It requires version of shockpot that logs to postgresql (https://github.com/GovCERT-CZ/shockpot).

It is based on Kippo-Graph (https://github.com/ikoniaris/kippo-graph). Thanks to ikoniaris.

It uses the Libchart PHP chart drawing library by Jean-Marc Trémeaux, QGoogleVisualizationAPI PHP Wrapper for Google's Visualization API by Thomas Schäfer, RedBeanPHP library by Gabor de Mooij, MaxMind and geoPlugin geolocation technology.


  1. PHP version 5.3.4 or higher.
  2. The following packages: libapache2-mod-php5, php5-pgsql, php5-gd, php5-curl.

On Ubuntu/Debian:

apt-get update && apt-get install -y libapache2-mod-php5 php5-pgsql php5-gd php5-curl

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart


wget https://github.com/GovCERT-CZ/Shockpot-Frontend/archive/master.zip

mv Shockpot-Frontend-master.zip /var/www/html

cd /var/www/html

unzip Shockpot-Frontend-master.zip

mv Shockpot-Frontend-master shockpot-frontend

cd shockpot-frontend

chmod 777 generated-graphs

cp config.php.dist config.php

nano config.php #enter the appropriate values

Browse to http://your-server/shockpot-frontend to generate the statistics.