

React + Mobx Example App

React + Mobx codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc) that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API.

Demo    RealWorld

Originally created for this GH issue. The codebase is now feature complete; please submit bug fixes via pull requests & feedback via issues.

We're currently working on some docs for the codebase (explaining where functionality is located, how it works, etc) but most things should be self explanatory if you have a minimal understanding of React/Mobx.

Getting started

You can view a live demo over at https://react-mobx.realworld.io/

To get the frontend running locally:

Making requests to the backend API

For convenience, we have a live API server running at https://conduit.productionready.io/api for the application to make requests against. You can view the API spec here which contains all routes & responses for the server.

The source code for the backend server (available for Node, Rails and Django) can be found in the main RealWorld repo.

If you want to change the API URL to a local server, simply edit src/agent.js and change API_ROOT to the local server's URL (i.e. localhost:3000/api)

Functionality overview

The example application is a social blogging site (i.e. a Medium.com clone) called "Conduit". It uses a custom API for all requests, including authentication. You can view a live demo over at https://react-mobx.realworld.io/

General functionality:

The general page breakdown looks like this:

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