


A minimal snippets implementation for Vim. No dependencies.


Expand snippets with <C-x><C-\>, navigate placeholders with <C-\>.

Customize mappings with:

let g:zensnippets_disable_default_mappings = 1

" Expand snippet
imap <silent><expr> <C-x><C-\> zensnippets#expand()

" Go to next placeholder
nmap <silent> <C-\> <Plug>ZensnippetsNextPlaceholder
imap <silent> <C-\> <Esc><Plug>ZensnippetsNextPlaceholder
vmap <silent> <C-\> <Esc><Plug>ZensnippetsNextPlaceholder

" List all available snippets for the current buffer
inoremap <silent> <C-x><C-x><C-\> <C-o>:call zensnippets#showall()<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <C-x><C-x><C-\> :call zensnippets#showall()<CR>

To see all available snippets in the current buffer you can use <C-x><C-x><C-\>. Alternatively, just call the :Zensnippets command.

You can see all available snippets in the snippets directory. Feel free to create PRs with your favorite mappings and suggestions!

For more information, see the plugin's documentation online or inside Vim with :help zensnippets.