

Meta Soft Label Generation for Noisy Labels, ICPR-2020

Official code for paper Meta Soft Label Generation for Noisy Labels accepted by ICPR 2020.

Illustration of the proposed MSLG algorithm


Running Proposed Algorithm

Code can be run as follows:

python main.py -d dataset_name -n noise_type -r noise_ratio -s batch_size -a alpha -b beta -g gamma -s1 stage1 -s2 stage2 -k K -m metadata_num

where options for input arguments are as follows

Any of the input parameters can be skipped to use the default value. For example, to run with default values for all parameters:

python main.py -d clothing1M

Running Baseline Methods

Baseline methods can be run as follows:

python baselines.py -d dataset_name -n noise_type -r noise_ratio -m model_name 

where baseline model can be one of the followings: