

FPGA optical flow for event-based sensors

This repository contains code supporting an ISCAS 2018 paper:

Tun Aung, M.; Teo, R.; and Orchard, G.; “Event-based Plane-fitting Optical Flow for Dynamic Vision Sensors in FPGA” IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits Syst., Florence, Italy, May 2018 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8351588/

An example of the code in action can be found at


  1. "full_precision_plane_fit" implements the plane fitting algorithm at full precision without considering the restrictions of FPGA implementation.
  2. "vhdl_plane_fit" contains Matlab code for processing data exactly as the VHDL module would.
  3. "verify_vhdl_simulations" verifies that the Matlab VHDL simulations produce the exact same results as the actual VHDL simulations.

Simulation and Verification

Known Issues

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