

This repository provides metadata to support UX around emoji. In particular, it describes how to construct an emoji picker with full support for skin tones. The json files describe a grid layout for an emoji picker with 9 emoji per row:

As emoji evolves new orderings will be added.

Demo: https://jsbin.com/kesuteh/1/edit?css,js,output

A snippet is shown annotated below:

  	// The is the people section
    "group": "People",
    "emoji": [
      	// This is the codepoint sequence for the emoji that should show in the grid
      	// Generally the base is the most neutral version available, such as the
      	// genderless gold skintone version.
        "base": [
        // These are alternate versions, typically shown as a long-press flyout
        "alternates": [
          // ...etc...
        // Emoticon(s)
        "emoticons": [
        // Shortcode(s)
        "shortcodes": [
        // Whether there is an animated version for the base emoji
        "animated": true,
        // [15.1]: whether the alternates include directional emoji
        "directional": false

Here is what the people section could look like:


Here are the alternates for Santa, as might be shown on long-press for the base Santa:


The https://github.com/googlefonts/noto-emoji repository provides Google's Emoji.