

pkcs11Test: A PKCS#11 Test Suite

Warning: Do not run this test suite against a PKCS#11 token that contains real data; some of the tests may erase or permanently lock the token.

This repository holds a test suite for, and is therefore derived from, the RSA Security Inc. PKCS #11 Cryptographic Token Interface (Cryptoki).

The test suite exercises v2.2 of the PKCS#11 interface, and covers:

To build the test program on Linux, just run make. To run the tests against common Linux PKCS#11 implementations:

This is NOT an official Google product.

Additional make options:



Test Options

The test program requires the following command-line parameters to be set:

There are also several optional command-line parameters:

The test program uses Google Test, and the Google Test command line options are also available. In particular, --gtest_filter=<filter> can be used to run a subset of the tests.