

OS Detector Plugin for Gradle

A Gradle plugin that detects the OS name and architecture, providing a uniform classifier to be used in the names of native artifacts.

It uses os-maven-plugin under the hood thus produces the same result.

Requires Java 8 or up.

Latest version

The latest version 1.7.3 is available on Maven Central. Its output is identical to os-maven-plugin:1.7.1.


To use this plugin, include in your build script

For Gradle 2.1 and higher:

plugins {
  id "com.google.osdetector" version "1.7.3"

For Gradle 1.x and 2.0:

apply plugin: 'com.google.osdetector'

buildscript {
  repositories {
  dependencies {
    classpath 'com.google.gradle:osdetector-gradle-plugin:1.7.3'

The plugin creates osdetector extension in your project, through which you can access the following attributes:

WARNING: DO NOT USE osdetector.classifierWithLikes because it has a known issue. It will be either removed or changed to a different form in the next version.

Typical usage example

To have separate artifacts for different operating systems

artifacts {
  archives(artifactFile) {
    classifier osdetector.classifier
    type "exe"
    extension "exe"
    builtBy buildArtifact

To differentiate between debian-like, redhat-like and

other linux systems

def getLinuxReleaseSuffix() {
  if (osdetector.release.isLike('debian')) {
    return 'debian'
  } else if (osdetector.release.isLike('redhat')) {
    return 'redhat'
  } else {
    return 'other'

artifacts {
  archives(artifactFile) {
    classifier osdetector.classifier + '-' + getLinuxReleaseSuffix()
    type "exe"
    extension "exe"
    builtBy buildArtifact

To build and install locally

$ git clone git@github.com:google/osdetector-gradle-plugin.git
$ cd osdetector-gradle-plugin
$ ./gradlew install