


Orbax provides common checkpointing and persistence utilities for JAX users.


Refer to our full documentation here.


pip install orbax-checkpoint (latest PyPi release) OR

pip install 'git+https://github.com/google/orbax/#subdirectory=checkpoint' (from this repository, at HEAD)

import orbax.checkpoint

Orbax includes a checkpointing library oriented towards JAX users, supporting a variety of different features required by different frameworks, including asynchronous checkpointing, various types, and various storage formats. We aim to provide a highly customizable and composable API which maximizes flexibility for diverse use cases.

[!NOTE] Please see Announcements for important updates.


pip install orbax-export (latest PyPi release) OR

pip install 'git+https://github.com/google/orbax/#subdirectory=export' (from this repository, at HEAD)

import orbax.export

Orbax also includes a serialization library for JAX users, enabling the exporting of JAX models to the TensorFlow SavedModel format.

Note that orbax-export requires TensorFlow, but does not include it by default to allow for flexibility in version choice. If you wish to install with standard TensorFlow, please use pip install orbax-export[all].


You can find the latest releases of Orbax Checkpointing at orbax-checkpoint and for Orbax Export at orbax-export.


Contact orbax-dev@google.com for help or with any questions about Orbax!


Orbax was initially published as a catch-all package itself. In order to minimize dependency bloat for users, we have frozen that package at orbax-0.1.6, and will continue to release future changes under the domain-specific utilities detailed above (e.g. orbax-checkpoint).

As we have preserved the orbax namespace, existing import statements can remain unchanged (e.g. from orbax import checkpoint).