

OR-Tools - Google Optimization Tools

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Google's software suite for combinatorial optimization.

Table of Contents

<a name="about"></a>

About OR-Tools

Google Optimization Tools (a.k.a., OR-Tools) is an open-source, fast and portable software suite for solving combinatorial optimization problems.

The suite contains:

We wrote OR-Tools in C++, but provide wrappers in Python, C# and Java.


This software suite is composed of the following components:


This software suite has been tested under:

OR-Tools currently builds with a Makefile, but also provides Bazel and CMake support.

For installation instructions (both source and binary), please visit https://developers.google.com/optimization/introduction/installing.

Build from source using Make (legacy)

We provide a Make based build.<br>Please check the Make build instructions.

Build from source using CMake

We provide a CMake based build.<br>Please check the CMake build instructions.

Build from source using Bazel

We provide a Bazel based build.<br>Please check the Bazel build instructions.

Quick Start

The best way to learn how to use OR-Tools is to follow the tutorials in our developer guide:


If you want to learn from code examples, take a look at the examples in the examples directory.


The complete documentation for OR-Tools is available at: https://developers.google.com/optimization/


The CONTRIBUTING.md file contains instructions on how to submit the Contributor License Agreement before sending any pull requests (PRs). Of course, if you're new to the project, it's usually best to discuss any proposals and reach consensus before sending your first PR.


The OR-Tools software suite is licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0. <br>See LICENSE for more information.