

Capsicum User Space Tests

This directory holds unit tests for Capsicum object-capabilities. The tests exercise the syscall interface to a Capsicum-enabled operating system, currently either FreeBSD >=10.x or a modified Linux kernel (the capsicum-linux project).

The tests are written in C++11 and use the Google Test framework, with some additions to fork off particular tests (because a process that enters capability mode cannot leave it again).


The original basis for these tests was:

These tests were coalesced and moved into an independent repository to enable comparative testing across multiple OSes, and then substantially extended.

OS Configuration


The following kernel configuration options are needed to run the tests:

FreeBSD (>= 10.x)

The following kernel configuration options are needed so that all tests can run:

Other Dependencies


The following additional development packages are needed to build the full test suite on Linux.

Linux libcaprights

The Capsicum userspace library is held in the libcaprights/ subdirectory. Ideally, this library should be built (with ./configure; make or dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us) and installed (with make install or dpkg -i libcaprights*.deb) so that the tests will use behave like a normal Capsicum-aware application.

However, if no installed copy of the library is found, the GNUmakefile will attempt to use the local libcaprights/*.c source; this requires ./configure to have been performed in the libcaprights subdirectory. The local code is also used for cross-compiled builds of the test suite (e.g. make ARCH=32 or make ARCH=x32).