

Buzzer - An eBPF Fuzzer toolchain


Buzzer is a fuzzer toolchain that allows to write eBPF fuzzing strategies.

A Fuzzing strategy is a way to generate random eBPF Programs and then validate that they don't have unexpected behaviour.

To run the fuzzer follow the next steps

  1. Install bazel.

  2. Install clang

  3. Setup the correct CC and CXX env variables

    export CC=clang
    export CXX=clang++
  4. Run

    bazel build :buzzer
  5. Run buzzer either as root:

    sudo ./bazel-bin/buzzer_/buzzer

    OR with CAP_BPF:

    sudo setcap CAP_BPF=eip bazel-bin/buzzer_/buzzer



Did you find a cool bug using Buzzer? Let us know via a pull request! We'd like to collect all issues discovered with this framework under this section.