

Scaling Vision with Sparse Mixture of Experts

This repository contains the code for training and fine-tuning Sparse MoE models for vision (V-MoE) on ImageNet-21k, reproducing the results presented in the paper:

We will soon provide a colab analysing one of the models that we have released, as well as "config" files to train from scratch and fine-tune checkpoints. Stay tuned.

We also provide checkpoints, a notebook, and a config for Efficient Ensemble of Experts (E<sup>3</sup>), presented in the paper:


Simply clone this repository.

The file requirements.txt contains the requirements that can be installed via PyPi. However, we recommend installing jax, flax and optax directly from GitHub, since we use some of the latest features that are not part of any release yet.

In addition, you also have to clone the Vision Transformer repository, since we use some parts of it.

If you want to use RandAugment to train models (which we recommend if you train on ImageNet-21k or ILSVRC2012 from scratch), you must also clone the Cloud TPU repository, and name it cloud_tpu.


We release the checkpoints containing the weights of some models that we trained on ImageNet (either ILSVRC2012 or ImageNet-21k). All checkpoints contain an index file (with .index extension) and one or multiple data files ( with extension .data-nnnnn-of-NNNNN, called shards). In the following list, we indicate only the prefix of each checkpoint. We recommend using gsutil to obtain the full list of files, download them, etc.


This is not an officially supported Google product.