

Text-to-Image Generation Grounded by Fine-Grained User Attention

This repository contains the paired word-tag data required to train a word-to-label sequence tagger (as described in our paper). In addition, the generated images from the proposed TReCS model are also provided for the LN-COCO and LN-OpenImages validation sets.


Localized Narratives is a dataset with detailed natural language descriptions of images paired with mouse traces that provide a sparse, fine-grained visual grounding for phrases. We propose TReCS, a sequential model that exploits this grounding to generate images. TReCS uses descriptions to retrieve segmentation masks and predict object labels aligned with mouse traces. These alignments are used to select and position masks to generate a fully covered segmentation canvas; the final image is produced by a segmentation-to-image generator using this canvas. This multi-step, retrieval-based approach outperforms existing direct text-to-image generation models on both automatic metrics and human evaluations: overall, its generated images are more photo-realistic and better match descriptions.

Word-Tag Training Data

We release the training data used for training the sequence tagger used in TReCS. We generate this data automatically from COCO-Stuff segmentation data and Localized Narratives mouse traces. The full preprocessing steps are described in Section 2.1 of our paper.

The data is available in the sequence_labels folder of this repository. We provide the data for the MS-COCO split in several paired .txt files.

The lines in each set of files correspond to each other, so for example line 1 in train_coco.ids.txt is the ID for the first sentence in train_coco.words.txt, with the tags in the first line in train_coco.tags.txt.

TReCS Generated Images

Our generated images for the MS-COCO and OpenImages validation sets can be downloaded here. We generate an image using the TReCS model for each item in the Localized Narratives MS-COCO validation set. The naming convention for the images is in the format {image_id}_{annotator_id}.png, where image_id and annotator_id are values taken from the Localized Narratives examples.


If you find this work useful, please consider citing:

  title={Text-to-Image Generation Grounded by Fine-Grained User Attention},
  author={Koh, Jing Yu and Baldridge, Jason and Lee, Honglak and Yang, Yinfei},
  booktitle={Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)},

We also suggest citing the paper for the Localized Narratives dataset. The Localized Narratives dataset is licensed under CC-BY 4.0.


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