

Dex Test status

Dex (named for "index") is a research language for typed, functional array processing. The goal of the project is to explore:

To learn more, check out our paper, our tutorial or these example programs:

Or for a more comprehensive look, there's

🚨 Dex is an experimental research project at an early stage of development. Expect monstrous bugs and razor-sharp edges!

🤝 Contributions welcome! See our issue tracker for good first issues, or browse by thematic labels.



To build and install a release version of Dex run make install.

The default installation directory is $HOME/.local/bin, so make sure to add that directory to $PATH after installing Dex. To install Dex somewhere else, set the PREFIX environment variable before running make install. For example, PREFIX=$HOME make install installs dex in $HOME/bin.


It is convenient to set up a dex alias (e.g. in .bashrc) for running Dex in development mode:

# Linux:
alias dex="stack exec dex -- --lib-path lib"

# macOS:
alias dex="stack exec --stack-yaml=stack-macos.yaml dex -- --lib-path lib"

You might also want to consider other development build targets:

Those non-standard targets require different aliases. Please consult the documentation at the top of the makefile for detailed instructions.

Haskell Language Server

In order to use HLS with the Haskell code in this project:

    stackYaml: "./stack-macos.yaml"  # Or stack.yaml if not on MacOS

Unfortunately one cannot dynamically select the stack.yaml file to use based on the environment, and so one has to create an appropriate hie.yaml file manually. This will be ignored by git.

This should work out of the box with Emacs' lsp-haskell package.

Building with Nix

Nix is a functional package manager and build system.

To build with vanilla Nix:

$ nix-build

To build with flakes-enabled Nix:

$ nix build .#dex

The resulting dex binary should be in result/bin/dex.

For development purposes, you can use a Nix environment with

$ nix-shell
$ nix develop  # With flakes

and use make to use Stack to build Dex.




This is an early-stage research project, not an official Google product.