Dataclass Array
are dataclasses which behave like numpy-like arrays (can be
batched, reshaped, sliced,...), compatible with Jax, TensorFlow, and numpy (with
torch support planned).
This reduce boilerplate and improve readability. See the motivating examples section bellow.
To view an example of dataclass arrays used in practice, see visu3d.
To create a dca.DataclassArray
, take a frozen dataclass and:
- Inherit from
- Annotate the fields with
to specify the inner shape and dtype of the array (see below for static or nested dataclass fields). The array types are an alias frometils.array_types
import dataclass_array as dca
from dataclass_array.typing import FloatArray
class Ray(dca.DataclassArray):
pos: FloatArray['*batch_shape 3']
dir: FloatArray['*batch_shape 3']
Afterwards, the dataclass can be used as a numpy array:
ray = Ray(pos=jnp.zeros((3, 3)), dir=jnp.eye(3))
ray.shape == (3,) # 3 rays batched together
ray.pos.shape == (3, 3) # Individual fields still available
# Numpy slicing/indexing/masking
ray = ray[..., 1:2]
ray = ray[norm(ray.dir) > 1e-7]
# Shape transformation
ray = ray.reshape((1, 3))
ray = ray.reshape('h w -> w h') # Native einops support
ray = ray.flatten()
# Stack multiple dataclass arrays together
ray = dca.stack([ray0, ray1, ...])
# Supports TF, Jax, Numpy (torch planned) and can be easily converted
ray = ray.as_jax() # as_np(), as_tf()
ray.xnp == jax.numpy # `numpy`, `jax.numpy`, `tf.experimental.numpy`
# Compatibility `with jax.tree_util`, `jax.vmap`,..
ray = jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: x+1, ray)
A DataclassArray
has 2 types of fields:
- Array fields: Fields batched like numpy arrays, with reshape, slicing,...
Can be
or nesteddca.DataclassArray
. - Static fields: Other non-numpy field. Are not modified by reshaping,...
Static fields are also ignored in
class MyArray(dca.DataclassArray):
# Array fields
a: FloatArray['*batch_shape 3'] # Defined by `etils.array_types`
b: FloatArray['*batch_shape _ _'] # Dynamic shape
c: Ray # Nested DataclassArray (equivalent to `Ray['*batch_shape']`)
d: Ray['*batch_shape 6']
# Array fields explicitly defined
e: Any = dca.field(shape=(3,), dtype=np.float32)
f: Any = dca.field(shape=(None, None), dtype=np.float32) # Dynamic shape
g: Ray = dca.field(shape=(3,), dtype=Ray) # Nested DataclassArray
# Static field (everything not defined as above)
static0: float
static1: np.array
allow your dataclass method to automatically support
- Implement method as if
self.shape == ()
- Decorate the method with
class Camera(dca.DataclassArray):
K: FloatArray['*batch_shape 4 4']
resolution = tuple[int, int]
def rays(self) -> Ray:
# Inside `@dca.vectorize_method` shape is always guarantee to be `()`
assert self.shape == ()
assert self.K.shape == (4, 4)
# Compute the ray as if there was only a single camera
return Ray(pos=..., dir=...)
Afterward, we can generate rays for multiple camera batched together:
cams = Camera(K=K) # K.shape == (num_cams, 4, 4)
rays = cams.rays() # Generate the rays for all the cameras
cams.shape == (num_cams,)
rays.shape == (num_cams, h, w)
is similar to jax.vmap
- Only work on
methods - Instead of vectorizing a single axis,
will vectorize over*self.shape
(not justself.shape[0]
). This is like ifvmap
was applied toself.flatten()
- When multiple arguments, axis with dimension
are broadcasted.
For example, with __matmul__(self, x: T) -> T
() @ (*x,) -> (*x,)
(b,) @ (b, *x) -> (b, *x)
(b,) @ (1, *x) -> (b, *x)
(1,) @ (b, *x) -> (b, *x)
(b, h, w) @ (b, h, w, *x) -> (b, h, w, *x)
(1, h, w) @ (b, 1, 1, *x) -> (b, h, w, *x)
(a, *x) @ (b, *x) -> Error: Incompatible a != b
To test on Colab, see the visu3d
Colab tutorial.
Motivating examples
improve readability by simplifying common patterns:
Reshaping all fields of a dataclass:
Before (
is simpledataclass
):num_rays =[:-1]) rays = r: r.reshape((num_rays, -1)), rays)
After (
):rays = rays.flatten() # (b, h, w) -> (b*h*w,)
Rendering a video:
Before (
cams: list[Camera]
):img = cams[0].render(scene) imgs = np.stack([cam.render(scene) for cam in cams[::2]]) imgs = np.stack([cam.render(scene) for cam in cams])
After (
cams: Camera
withcams.shape == (num_cams,)
):img = cams[0].render(scene) # Render only the first camera (to debug) imgs = cams[::2].render(scene) # Render 1/2 frames (for quicker iteration) imgs = cams.render(scene) # Render all cameras at once
pip install dataclass_array
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