


T2 Guiding is a dataset of 1000 images, each with six image labels. The images are from the Open Images Dataset (OID) and we provide 2 sets of machine-generated labels for these images.

  1. Object labels: Three random object labels generated by a FRCNN model trained on Visual Genome.
  2. Image labels: Three random image labels obtained from Google Cloud Vision API.

This dataset is used as the test set in the paper: "Understanding Guided Image Captioning Performance across Domains".

More details are available in this <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.02339">paper</a> (please cite the paper if you use or discuss this dataset in your work):

<div class="highlight highlight-source-shell"><pre> @article{ng2020understanding, title={Understanding Guided Image Captioning Performance across Domains}, author={Edwin G. Ng and Bo Pang and Piyush Sharma and Radu Soricut}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.02339}, year={2020} } </pre></div>

Data Format

The released data is provided as a TSV (tab-separated values) text file with the following columns:

<p align='center'>Table 1: Columns in TSV files.</p>
1Image key. The unique identifier of the image in the Open Images Dataset (a hexadecimal number. e.g., 0000d67245642c5f).
2Visual Genome objects. Comma-separated list of object labels generated by a FRCNN trained on Visual Genome.
3Image labels. Comma-separated list of image labels obtained from Google Cloud Vision API.


The dataset is available for download <a href="https://storage.cloud.google.com/t2-guiding/t2_guiding_set.tsv?_ga=2.140996917.-665667375.1608176209">here</a>. The mapping from the image key to the image URL can be found in the cvpr2019.tsv.meta file of the original <a href="https://www.conceptualcaptions.com/winners-and-data">T2 dataset</a> download link.